The first full week of 2020! Incredible to write that year for someone born in the 1950s. There is something magical about 2020 and we are excited to see what the year brings. From the climate crisis, to multiple governments who clearly do not care about their people, everything seems in need of a reset and we are no exception.
Although there has been much happening around the homestead blogging felt like it needed to be something profound and so it just didn't happen. More recording of what is happening whether it turns into something profound or remains small will start now. That was the way Facebook worked, as record keeping, for the past 12 years. Who doesn't love looking back at the memories? But now that Tricia has been steering away from Facebook (and she is really is our recorder) not much has been posted.
To that end we are sharing a recent roof video...
This winter has been quite different from those of the past. Although there was a decent accumulation of snow before the new year, the last week of December was quite mild and as we had noticed a significant ice build up under the snow, we took advantage of it to clear off the roofs of the trailers. The view from our roof is lovely and we really don't go up there as often as we should. Well this reset year will have that happen with regularity.
Here's to a magical year for us all.
Comments are what keeps a blogger motivated so even an "oh this is boring" comment is productive. Besides Tricia gets lonely with just Ed and the dogs day after day...
Looking for more on Northern Dirtbags? You can find us on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram
Hi Trish & Ed! Cam feels the same way about our blog - nothing new to report so it has been neglected! But it's lovely for your followers to hear from you. Happy 2020 to you both!