Saturday, February 24, 2018

This is a post by Edward.

 It was a snowy Friday morning in February and as usual I had the day off. Only working 4 days a week still has a little retired feel to it. The dogs were outside and a bark-fest started. This isn't unusual out here in the bush, there is always something in the vicinity to draw their attention. Sometimes it's even something living! This barking changed and we started to hear whines and yelps. Something was different. I put on my snowshoes and headed into the bush west of the trailer. It's thick Tag Alders there and the dogs have a labyrinthine maze zig-zagging through it. Their paths are not human friendly and if you have traveled by snowshoe through  Tag Alders you know what I mean. Only about 100' from our clearing and I found them at the base of a tree. There was whining and yapping... and the most beautiful sight. They had a playmate up the tree, a gorgeous Canada lynx!
 Having an idea what was happening I had a camera with me. Went to take a picture and it happened to be on video so I got this...

After a short video shoot it was time to get some photos...

Before I left there I shot another video clip then led the dogs away with the promise of treats and a walk, to keep them busy and allow their new friend time to escape.

Another glorious day in the bush! Hope this gives you some of the joy it brings me.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a beautiful creature! You are a lucky man to have seen this up close and in person in the wild! Thanks for sharing Ed!
