Keeping lists to keep track
It is hard to believe we have been here for a week. It has gone so quickly yet so very much has happened. We were reminded early by a dear friend at Sunflower Farms, thank you Michelle, to keep a list of done. This will be of help when there is so much in front of you. Simply take the time to look over all that has been accomplished to keep your head in a good space.
We have followed her wise advice. It has kept a smile on our face while we overcome obstacles. From no cell or internet access on our property, to the ongoing rain the first couple of days, to a dead battery on the uhaul truck when it came time to return it to a delivery truck in the ditch, through sleepless nights of bugs. We have certainly had some interesting days. And through it all we have taken the time to look at where we are and what an incredible adventure we have ahead.
We have not had the weather to allow the build to commence but we have been very busy trying to sort out a household of belongings into "The Shed'. We have had a fun time searching for items dispite our best attempts to label our boxes. Setting up a house and workshop in our only building while working on making that building more livable has been an ongoing set of checks off the to do list with a few still left to do. Establishing routine means we are learning where to keep items as we continue to prepare ourselves, our building and the land for our new lifestyle.
Today we put in a new window and Tono, our new dog, was delivered. It was a long day and as I write Tono is in the backseat of the truck snoozing. He is as exhausted as we are.
Thank you to all you who have and all you who continue to encourage us as we embark on this adventure. It is your questions and comments that remind us that we have a people looking out for us while living off on our own not so little piece of heaven.
So glad to hear that the "DONE" list is helping to keep you on track and motivated even when nature has thrown you some curve balls. Think of how many people only dream of doing what you are doing!!! Looking forward to further updates!