We currently have 8 layer hens. A combination of the the original Red Sexlinks we purchased in 2015 and the Frey's Special Dual Purpose Hens saved from last year. While they are free range within a large electric fence enclosure (we don't feel comfortable enough with the wildlife to let them completely loose and quite honestly we also don't want to tempt our dog Tono) we like to supplement the wilds they have to feed upon.
Last year we would occasionally put some of the black sunflower seeds under a wire box and allow them to sprout. When we removed the box the chickens loved it. This year we decided to make it a production.
We have seven boxes lined up.
Each day one is flipped and the chickens have a feast.
You would never know there was anything growing there when they are finished
The ground is then covered again with seeds. The box is replaced and the seeds watered as needed. And the process goes down the line.

We use the same black sunflower seeds that we use in our bird feeders. It is purchased by the 50 pound bag making it a very inexpensive healthy treat for our flock.
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